Archive for the ‘Pertanian’ Category

The recent announcement by our PM to hand over the office of prime minister of this country to his deputy, Najib, is to me, too long and this country will suffer more. Abdullah said, the shift will be around the middle of 2010. As of fact, Abdullah was proven to navigate this country to destruction as he destroyed UMNO, he destroyed Barisan Nasional, and he destroyed the confidence of the people towards Barisan Nasional.

Look at our country now, for a term, that is four years, has anything improved? I say no. But the good thing is, I can see the democracy atmosphere in this country has began to flourish. But I must say this, this new democracy atmosphere that we have is not because Abdullah wants it but it is rather because he fears the people will kick him out so he must give something that the people wants most and I tell you that is freedom!

On the economy, it is a must for us to blame Abdullah as his policies are unacceptable, moving this country towards an agricultural country without enough attention being given to develop our agricultural technology and only announcement that we heard, for few years now, have any of you heard any potential increase in our income from this sector? I say no, you have to answer according to how you see this issue. We left the focus on industrialization, even if we want to focus at biotechnology, which in fact we are not focusing at all except focusing on the announcement, the heed to the need of the growth of the industrialization sector is essential, we want to be a developed nation in 2020, but not enough attention given to this sector, will that ultimate goal be achieved, I don’t think so! Most of the developed countries achieved this developed status because they focus dearly to industrializations and we are going back to agricultural sector, what the hell?

The oil, I personally think that the pump price must reflect the actual world oil price, but if the government were to do this, they must make it step by step, little by little, not in all of the sudden, the price of oil has been increased, this is not good as it can cause instability and dislike towards the BN government.

So, these are the flaws of few I can say, there are more and I malas mau tulis, for this current period of Abdullah as PM, two more years, this country is going down man, I love this country as it is my country. WE NEED SOMETHING GOOD TO GET OUT OF THIS MESS!

For A Better Malaysia!